We have a new logo and mascot! We have got to name him though. He will be popping up everywhere now, including on leaflets signposting further support for children, and a picture book, and social stories. Thank you Sam of Defaced Designs for creating this awesome font, logo variations and character! Im going to post the design drafts below, it was brilliant seeing it all take shape. Parents have told me, and I know from experience, that it really means something to the kids to be a part of the group, be on the team, feel a sense of belonging, so I wanted a playful, mischievous character and logo that they would LOVE to have on their T-shirts, plushie, stickers, in a story – we will be providing these for free for our founder members and as tournament and event giveaways.
He will also be the MineMania helper character in our literature and website.

This week saw the return of our Weekly Minecraft social for kids with SEND. I’ve inducted three new members this week, using our new membership and safeguarding procedure, and induction meeting.
On a safeguarding theme, I’ve also done the NSPCC Training Course on Managing Safer Online Communities as part of the project study work. I’ve hosted Minecraft clubs for several years now, but the course really drills down into what you must consider and have in place to keep your members safe. My safeguarding procedure and policies are rigorous, and I am Level 2 and Designated Safeguarding Lead trained, but I still have a checklist of things I need to put in place now following this course before the second stage of the project kicks off.
This week we achieved one of our project milestones early! Thank you reddust9!
We (NOT me I hasten to add) have coded a bespoke plug in to manage world access to our server. We have a back end database where all our players information is stored. This is connected to our Minecraft Server. We have all this connected to an easy to use browser based interface, where we can add players details, and toggle on and off access for all of the worlds in our server.
This means that we can control what world a player lands in, and where they can access from there. So for our virtual youth clubs that we set up for SEND youth groups, their members will only ever be in their private world, unless they choose to allow access to mini games or community SMP for example.
This is an excellent way of safeguarding our community group members so that have full control over where their young people go. And so easy to use being browser based, with just add text fields and toggle on and off buttons. Nice work Reddust9.
Community Consultation
I’ve also spoken with a local community group supporting young people with SEND and their families this week. Safeguarding was their primary concern, and I was glad that I have spent so many weeks working on it before trying to do anything else, as it the most important thing for all of us, and a huge concern as a parent or group leader.
It was also the first time trying to explain just WHY this is so important to some of the kids and how it can be an emotional support, a safe space, and even change lives.
They may or may not decide to join me on this project, but it was a really informative experience hearing what their concerns and questions were.
Challenges this week
I have interviewed a lot of candidates for a role building and developing this server. I offered 4 candidates a position, and asked for an answer by the end of this week. Unfortunately I have not had an any acceptances yet. Maybe I scared them off! I am starting to think of an Plan B.
Also. Finding a counsellor who can work with children within a gaming environment. This is very niche and proving a challenge. I advertised on Indeed for qualified and experienced counsellors and was deluged with responses, unfortunately barely any have the required experience.
The upside of all these interviews, is that although time consuming, having to keep explaining over and over again is refining my plan and my ‘pitch’. Every time I explain I use fewer and fewer words!
Fun things this week
Minecraft Club is back! It is brilliant to be back with the kids listening to their adventures and plans and teleporting everyone everywhere for adventuring.
One of my long time colleagues, Terry who has worked with me at Creative Active Lives and Spinsonic Entertainment for years, is also a qualified mentor with years of experience. In fact this is how we met years ago! While looking for mentors and counsellors, I was talking to Terry about it and suddenly a lightbulb went off. You are right there in front of me! I asked Terry if he played Minecraft, as he has never once mentioned it. A little he said, on XBox, with his kids, but not much. 48 hours later and he was up till midnight playing it on the computer. I am thrilled that Terry will be joining us as a sessional leader after training, and as a youth mentor later on in the project.
Design Process