Support MineMania

We are committed to keeping MineMania free of charge so that no-one is excluded for financial reasons, particularly with the cost of living crisis.

But IF you can afford to contribute to the server running costs and getting staff to help run sessions and add additional sessions, we appreciate any donation at all.

At the moment MineMania runs mainly on Rachel and Sam’s volunteer time in the evenings, and it is stretched to capacity alongside the day jobs and school. Creative Active Lives contributes towards funding additional dev work, ad hoc additional sessional staff, and server upkeep and maintenance but the economic climate has hit Creative Active Lives funds hard as well.

Rachel needs help. It’s too much to manage the Zoom and to support and play with the kids in the session as well – we need Rachel managing Zoom and another experienced, DBS Checked Youth Worker to help in the game. We would like to be able to offer more sessions – a quiet session for members for whom the Zoom is too much, a mods session, creative sessions, advanced and Senior sessions, which have been requested by members.

We need Server Admins/Youth Workers to manage any urgent issues in case Rachel is at work and can’t log in and to be available on the server in the daytime and evening in case of any arguments that need a calming adult to help children resolve any conflict.

If  you can help, we will be eternally grateful! If you can’t help no worries. And don’t worry regardless of fundraising MineMania isn’t going anywhere!

If you can donate any amount at all as a one off donation or monthly subscription, it all helps support the running and development of MineMania. 

Donations are secure and powered by K0Fi.

If you could donate even just one hour per week of your time we would be grateful of volunteers aged 18+ for support in the following areas:

  • Digital Youth Worker (experienced)
  • In Person Activities Youth Worker (experienced)
  • Gaming Lead (online) (Minecraft expert needed)
  • Gaming Helper  (online) (Able to play Minecraft alongside children)
  • Social Media help (remote position)
  • Server dev support (remote position)


All roles require a DBS check (we can arrange), and some roles require Online Safeguarding Training (we arrange this).

We welcome individual volunteers or corporate volunteers as part of your CSR and staff release schemes.

We have never done any fundraising before but we can get very creative with this! Watch this space for some group fundraising challenges or come up with your own.

Could we get corporate sponsorship? 

Thinking caps on!

Mine Mania