Become a Member
About Minemania
Our Motto: Peace, Love, and Friendship. ALWAYS!!

We run weekly hosted sessions term time, and the server is open 24/7 so your child can access when they want to. Our hosted sessions are social sessions to allow the children to get together at the same time, with Zoom to chat, and we play together and talk. Hosts Rachel, Terry, and Ryan are MineMania/Creative Active Lives staff and are safeguarding trained and hold enhanced DBS.
Hosted sessions are:
Tuesday 6-7pm
Thursday 6-7pm
All players will need to complete the application form below to allow us check their ages, before being allowed to join.
You also must have the Java Edition of Minecraft for Laptop/PC – you cannot access via console/tablet/phone/Bedrock edition.
Click here for application form.
Please allow 2-3 working days for your application to be processed. Players will not be able to access the server until membership is reviewed, safeguarding carried out, and the player’s user name is whitelisted.
Code of Conduct
We have a Code of Conduct. We do not tolerate bullying, griefing, bad language, or stealing player’s things. If anyone is causing grief they will be ejected from the server and possibly banned for good.
By becoming a member of our server, you will be given:
Access our SMP World
Including Mini Games On-Demand
A ‘Golden Shovel’
Players can mark a safe protected area around their house and buildings so that no other player can build or break blocks in their area.
A Lockable Chest
To protect their belongings.
Members also have the chance to co-design our Lobby and Play Worlds and develop session ideas.
In the future we will operate on a Pay If You Can Membership basis to to help us raise the funds to continue to expand our server, add more games and sessions, and help meet the monthly server charges.
We are grateful that funding from the Heart of England Community Fund and Power to Change allows us to offer access to the server and our hosted social sessions free of charge for the next 12 months.
This is a not for profit Minecraft Club. Any profit made will be invested into increased server capacity, organised group sessions in coding/YouTube/Redstone/Socials, and in-person events.
When we have received your application, it will be reviewed within 2 – 3 working days and we will get back to you with joining information.
The server is for children aged 6-16. We are primarily a server for children and young people with SEND, but we do not ask for a diagnosis and all children in our age range are welcome. Inclusivity and community cohesion is important to us, and we love to bring children together to play in a supportive, inclusive, welcoming and understanding environment.
Application Form
What Happens Next?
If you would like to subscribe to our server, and have submitted the application form above, with parent/carer AND player details, you will hear from us in 2-3 working days. (If you do not, please contact as something may have gone wrong or the email stuck somewhere in the ether).
We will email you to arrange safeguarding check via Zoom.
Your player will be manually added to the Minecraft server whitelist and you will receive an email to confirm this, with joining instructions.
Please note that this server is only accessible for players with the Java edition of Minecraft on a desktop or laptop computer. We do not support Bedrock, Education or console or tablet editions of Minecraft.
You will receive a password that allows you to book on to our hosted Social Sessions.
website help and support forum
We have set a Support Forum up for members only to be able to report issues, glitches, make suggestions and requests for builds, mini games and more. It is also a safe space to connect with other players to arrange projects and games on MineMania without needing access to social media.
Access and Safeguarding:
The Support Forum is password protected so only players, their parents/carers will be able to see what is posted and post themselves.
Only whitelisted players and parents/carers will be given access to this forum.
When your membership is accepted, if you want to you can register to join the Support Forum here.
Please use the same email address you joined with so that we know who you are as all requests to join are manually approved.
For safeguarding, there is an additional password to be able to view and post in the Forum – we will email you this password separately to access the Forum.
If you have any questions please email