Week 1 15.09.23

I found out this week I was successful in applying to the Power to Change Community Tech Discovery Fund! You read what this is all about here

The next six months are going to be ALL about MineMania and I’m really looking forward to this intensive discovery and learning journey.

This week:
I have made the first steps bringing together some technical experts by contacting my old University, the University of Wolverhampton, posting recruitment ads on the jobs boards of University of Birmingham and Aston University, LinkedIn and my company website, and already have applications in, and I will hold the first block of interviews next week.
I have consulted on the specs needed for a server and sourced a suitable machine.
I have made a longlist of stakeholders to approach who might find being a founder guinea pig would be useful for their service users.
I have created this blog on the website to record my weeknotes.

I’ve created a project in Asana to keep track.

Next Steps:
Begin the interview process
Contact potential community stakeholders to be our guinea pigs
Order hardware
Attend first Discovery Fund meeting on Thursday

I’m alternating between joy, excitement,  terror and my old friend imposter syndrome!

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Mine Mania