Hi everyone!

It’s admin reddust on the scene today, where we’ve just introduced our new HARDCORE server!

For the uninitiated, hardcore Minecraft is when a world is set up so that after you die once, then the world is locked and you can only observe (in spectator mode). It gives you that feeling of danger at every turn, as you never know which of your key presses will be your last…

After some testing, we brought a bunch of our players on and enjoyed that new world smell. I intentionally left it as close to vanilla as feasibly possible, so there’s no fancy sethomes and teleport requests (sorry!). Player-vs-player combat was also turned off, as we agreed that it would give a better experience to everyone if we could get along rather than being at each other’s throats the whole time.

But that’s enough of the boring explanations, now it’s time for the results!

The deaths scoreboard at the end of the session

At the end of our session, after only one hour, we had a whopping total of 4 deaths. That’s over half of the players!

  • Unfortunately, I, the one with the most experience, died first because of a stray arrow from a skeleton.
  • Then came cheesetoastboi, who fell foul of a creeper and suffered a case of explosion-itis.
  • Rachel died next, although truth be told none of us thought she would last that long!
  • Finally, right at the end of the session, FrodoWaffles fell too, bringing the day to a close.

All in all, I’d say it was pretty eventful!

If you’re on our server, you can use the /hardcore command to head over and try it for yourself!

That’s all from me now, so have fun!    -reddust9

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